
Keeping Glass in Top Condition: A Guide

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Keeping Glass in Top Condition: A Guide

Hello! My name is Vince. Last year, I learnt a very important lesson - if you do not look after the glass in your home, it will not look after you. You see, I hadn't really inspected, cleaned or carried out any maintenance work on the glass windows and doors in my home. One day, during a storm, the glass in one of my windows shattered. I didn't know what to do. When I called in a glass contractor, he said that the glass had failed due to a hairline crack. He replaced the other pieces of glass in my home and gave me some advice about glass care.

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Glass Repair Services

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Two Tips to Follow When Looking for the Perfect Shower Screen

If you're on the hunt for the perfect shower screen for your bathroom, these tips could be helpful. Consider a shower screen with a grid if you struggle to keep your shower screen clean Shower screens with grids not only look good but are also a great choice for anyone who finds cleaning their shower challenging. If, for example, you find that you often miss some spots when wiping water off the shower screen glass, then a grid shower screen could make this chore less frustrating, as you can simply choose a row or a column of squares to clean each day. Read More 

Tips When Customising a Glass Shower

If you're renovating your bathroom, one of the main components you need to think about is the shower. A glass shower provides a range of customisation options. Here are some tips to get the best result for your home. Spaciousness In a compact bathroom, you may want to minimise the effect of the shower so the bathroom appears more spacious. One way to do this is to install a frameless design. Read More 

The Advantages of a Glass Splashback

Kitchen splashbacks are available in a range of materials to suit various aesthetics. Glass is one option that has several advantages. Continue reading to find out more. Hygienic  Depending on the size of your wall area, a glass splashback is made up of many large panels. There are no grooves or gaps in these panels to gather mould and mildew. Additionally, a glass splashback does not have grout lines that run the length of the surface, which can be unhygienic. Read More